Key Tips to Remember When Pulled For Suspicion of a DUI


Never drink and drive—but if you happen to get pulled over for suspicion of DUI, always remember that you have rights in which you can use to assert yourself in a very amicable manner.

Officers would normally ask you a series of questions, but you do have the right to remain silent since any statement you give out could be easily used against you. Another point to take note of is that roadside tests are 100% voluntary and not a necessity. The same goes for a PBT (preliminary breath test), in which the results could also be used against you. However, such refusal can be also used against you and could result to a mandatory minimum one-year revocation of driving privileges—but denying the state chemical test results that could be used as evidence in a trial can have their implications as well.

Right after your possible arrest and release, be sure to contact a DUI Denver attorney to inquire your options. Of course, you’ll need the best DUI attorney in Denver, Colorado to help you with your defense. Don’t settle for anyone to defend your rights and go for a DUI attorney who truly excels in these kinds of cases.